Untold Techniques Of A Mind Reader You Should Know

Imagine how easier life would become if we developed the talent of reading the unexpressed thoughts of other people. Weirdly enough, in psychology there is no proper evidence proving that it is possible to map someone’s mind accurately through their emotions, words and body language. 


There are many mind readers online out there who are extremely skilled at mind-reading, and the techniques they use to decode the unexpressed thoughts are:

  1. ·         Telepathy- A highly debated, complex, but if records in history are to be believed, a totally effective technique.
  2. ·         Let their muscles tell you their secrets
  3. ·         Play the guess game
  4. ·         Study the context
  5. ·         Deception detection technique
  6. ·         The mirror technique
  7. ·         Decoding all sorts of nonverbal expressions
